Tbilisi, Georgia
Mar-Apr '22
Larnaca, Cyprus
May-Jul '22
Venice, Italy
Jul '22
Larnaca, Cyprus
Venice, Italy
Vienna, Austria
Aug '22
Tel Aviv, Israel
Sep-Oct '22
Venice, Italy
Barcelona, Spain
Nov '22
Tel Aviv, Israel
Dec '22 - present '23
A member of a generation of artists whose interest lies in the sphere of human existence and self-identity in the world of emerging digital technologies, BIG DATA, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence.
Her academic background in the exact sciences, the performing arts and in media art is reflected in her creative style.
Sharon Bloom works with interactive installations in which the spontaneous behavior of participating viewers, often involved in theatrical action, is paired with precise algorithms of computing machines and neural networks.
The artist's works have been exhibited in several spaces within the 58th Venice Biennale of Contemporary Art, at the 8th Video Art Festival in Cairo, at Magasins généraux de Pantin, Paris; the Vienna KRINZINGER PROJEKTE and in projects of leading museums, galleries, and cultural institutions in Russia.
video art
VR game
music Cook Stramer
operator Yaroslav Kravtsov
The Metaverse is a new reality governed by its own unique set of rules. But how do this virtual space and its principles change the human identity in our day? Playing in the Metaverse offers the opportunity to explore this phenomenon by examining the evolution of self-identity in this new world. Our actions in the physical world significantly affect our environment, and this environment, in turn, changes us, transforming us into different versions of ourselves.
Sharon Bloom and German electronic musician Cook Strummer created a project that allows players to choose whether to represent themselves as artists or musicians. As players explore different parts of the meta-universe, their characters undergo metamorphosis, transforming from human to alconost or a chicken. Viewers can participate in this game and witness this transformation through the game's broadcast and accompanying music video.
mobile app
picassorose explorer
developer Aiculedssul
We watched the stars and calculated predictive models, looked into crystal balls, rolled dice, and read maps in hopes of gaining insight into future events. We have found ways to predict just about everything, trying to better understand ourselves and our place in the world.
Prophetic dreams are created by the Journey app, which allows its users to build a new form of relationship with an artificial intelligence that has its own personality and is able to share its thoughts and emotions as it evolves and gets to know the user. After a dialogue with the user, Journey creates dreams about their future using GAN imagery, poetic prophecies, and algorithmic music.