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Art historian and art critic, currently a visiting Researcher at the University of Trento (Italy).

specializes in contemporary Russian art and Russian Palladian architecture. Author of the nomination of the UNESCO World Heritage List “The Historical Center of Torzhok and the Manor Architecture of Nikolay Lvov”

Editor, Researcher:

- She worked with the artists:

Andrey Kuzkin,Pavel Otdelnov, Sergei Prokofiev


- He is working on "Chronicle" section

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Giovanni ARGAN

Postgraduate student at Ca' Foscari University of Venice and Member of the Centre for Studies in Russian Art

(Ca' Foscari).

research areas: socialist realism, art and the cold war, contemporary art


- He worked with the artist:

Polina Sinyatkina



art historian and curator. From 2011 to 2021 he worked as a researcher at the Pushkin Museum (Moscow).
He curated a number of exhibitions, including the international exhibition project Facing the Future.
The Art of Europe 1945-1968 (Brussels, Karlsruhe, Moscow). From 2021 to 2022 he was Chief Curator at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center (Moscow), and from 2022 he is writing his PhD at WWU Münster

Curated a number of exhibitions, including an international exhibition project Facing the future. Art of Europe 1945/1968 (Brussels, Karlsruhe, Moscow). From 2021 to 2022, he served as chief curator at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center (Moscow).



Art historian, lecturer

Director of the Society for the Promotion of Art, and Curator at the Film and Media Arts Department of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts

director of the Society for the Promotion of the Arts, worked as a curator in the film department

and Media Arts of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin


- She worked with the artist:

Anton Kushaev



Director of the Centre for Studies in Russian Art

(Ca’ Foscari University of Venice).

Full Professor of Russian Art History and Contemporary Art at Ca' Foscari of Venice.

professor of the history of Russian art

and contemporary art at Ca' Foscari, Venice

Project leader, Researcher:

- She worked with the artists:


Researcher, Translator:

- She worked with the artist:

Sergey Kishchenko

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Ph.D., Lecturer in Russian Language and Translation, she is also a Subject Expert and a member of the Centre for Studies in Russian Art (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice).

scientific interests are mainly focused on the cultural history of Russian emigration, the construction of historical and political narratives in the Soviet and post-Soviet context, and Russian-Jewish relations


Giulia GELMI

Postgraduate student at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Member of the Centre for Studies in Russian Art

(Ca’ Foscari).

Research interests: the history of ornament as a marker of national artistic identity, the history of Russian style at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

Researcher, Translator:

- She worked with the artists:

Evgeny Petrushansky, Nikita Seleznev

Designer, Researcher

- She worked with the artists:

Sharon BloomAna SautDanila Tkachenko



Postgraduate student at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Member of the Centre for Studies in Russian Art (Ca’ Foscari).

scientific interests: sound art, contemporary art, the problem of national identity in the context of the dialogue of cultures, founder of the Stravinsky Family Fund

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Arseniy PETROV

art historian and art critic, visiting researcher at the University of Trento (Italy).


specializes in contemporary Russian art, as well as cultural ties between Byzantium, Venice and medieval Rus'. Certified expert in the field of fine arts.

Editor, Researcher, Writer:

Researcher, Translator:

- She worked with artist:

Anna Ivonina



Ph.D., Research Fellow at the of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage Department of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

cooperates with the Centre for Studies in Russian Art (CSAR), coordinating the scientific secretariat. Her main research interests are in media art, the relationship between artand science and contemporary artistic practices in the post-Soviet space.

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art historian, curator, specialist in the field of New Media and Video Art.

Founder of the Center for Culture and Art "MediaArtLab". Founder and Director of the MIFF Media Forum.

Ex-curator of the Direction "Pushkin XXI" Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin.

Curator of numerous large-scale exhibitions, includingSoul journey. Bill Viola (2021, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts),At the end is the beginning. The Secret Brotherhood of Tintoretto (2019, Venice, special project of Pushkin XXI),Man is like a bird. Travel images (2017, 57th Venice Biennale

Project leader, Researcher:

- She worked with the artists:

Semyon Alexandrovsky, Vladimir Kartashov,

Olga Kroytor, Mika Plutitskaya


CSAR Centro Studi sull'Arte Russa
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali
Malcanton Marcora, Dorsoduro 3484/D, 30123 Venezia
tel.: +39 041 234 6223



© designed by A. Stravinsky

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